Better understand yourself and unlock your true potential
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for becoming your best self through all stages of your life.
Unveiling Estrogen: The Hormone that Shapes Men and Women
Estrogen, often associated with femininity, is a hormone that plays a significant role in the human body. While it is primarily known for its effects on women, it also influences the well-being of men.
How Are You Doing?
Mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and chronic stress can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones in our bodies and lead to hormonal imbalances.
Detox your Home
In our home there are several areas where we can find toxins. Such as our bathroom, kitchen or laundry room. Learn how to start detoxifying your home and the importance in order to have better health by reducing your toxic load.
Why Detox?
Our bodies have built-in mechanisms for eliminating waste and toxins, and supporting these natural processes can be beneficial for overall health. Learn what toxicity overload looks like and what you can do to support your body.
How to Fix Weight Loss Resistance
Weight loss resistance and insulin resistance is a reality for many women moving through perimenopause and menopause. As your estrogen declines it is harder for your body to manage blood glucose levels as estrogen was in charge of insulin sensitivity.
Relationships and Hormones
Hormones play a big part in our lives as human beings and have an affect on relationships in more ways than one. I share with you 3 tips for healthy relationships and ways you can show love to your partner.
Your Gut is Talking to You
The one thing every human has in common when we enter December is a bag of mixed emotions stirring in our gut! Learn tools to keep a healthy gut microbiome through the holidays while also learning strategies to push through the triggers that come at this time of year.
Raise your Oxytocin and Decrease Stress
When these emotions are stored in the body, overtime that organ and the systems involved begin to show us symptoms so that we can pay attention to what needs to change, specifically our reaction to the emotion. Learn 5 strategies to respond to emotions rather than react.
Hormones and your Emotions: Which one is in Control?
When these emotions are stored in the body, overtime that organ and the systems involved begin to show us symptoms so that we can pay attention to what needs to change, specifically our reaction to the emotion. Learn 5 strategies to respond to emotions rather than react.
Breast Care Through an Ayurvedic Lens
In many different cultures, breasts are symbols of motherhood, femininity, nurturing, and pleasure. And for as many different shapes, sizes and colours of breasts that exist, the nature of an individual’s relationship to their breasts can be just as varied, and often, complex.
Breast Health Through Different Life Stages
When it comes to breast health, the key is awareness. Breasts come in all shapes and forms, and what’s normal for one individual might be a warning sign for another. Understanding what’s normal for you, what to look out for, and what steps to take if you have concerns about your breast health will deepen your relationship with your body and empower you to be more proactive with your health.
Reversing Insulin Resistance with Fasting
Insulin resistance is estimated to affect about 1 in 3 Canadians and is thought to be highly under-diagnosed. Unfortunately, many people who experience insulin resistance will live with it for years if they don’t make some important changes to their diet and lifestyle.
And the reality is that many people are already insulin resistant and simply don’t know it. When we get stuck in insulin resistance, not only are we faced with stubborn weight gain, but the body actually becomes more susceptible to disease and dysfunction.
The Cascading Effect of Toxicity on Hormones
Most often, when a patient comes to their provider complaining or one of several of the symptoms of hormone imbalance, toxicity is not considered as a potential cause. The endocrine system is complex, and slight changes in hormone levels or function can throw off this delicate balance. What this means is that toxicity in the body is overriding important signals from our hormones and scrambling those messages.
Your Self Care Roadmap
Self care starts with self love, and many of us struggle in both of these areas. I’m sharing four practical strategies for mastering self love along with a self care roadmap to give you the tools you need to transform your life.
Why Self Care is More Important Now than Ever Before
Self care is more than spa days - the way you nurture yourself should be foundational to how you move through life. This post explores opinions and trends around self care and offers simple strategies today to start implementing today.
Seasonal and Local Produce for Supporting Skin
The benefits of eating seasonal, local produce extend beyond affordability and reduced environmental impact. Did you know that local produce is actually more nutrient dense than food that’s not in season, and it tastes better? Learn about the best skin-supporting seasonal produce to include in your diet this summer.
Supporting Skin Health and Balancing Hormones the Ayurvedic Way
Our skin care needs change in the summer, and looking to Ayurveda for balancing hormones and reducing inflammation will help us support and protect our skin through the hottest months of the year. In this post, I discuss the connection between hormones and skin health and offer Ayurvedic practices and remedies to pacify pitta and keep your skin healthy and vibrant.
The Ayurveda of Summer
Ayurveda is an ancient healing practice with valuable lessons and tools that we can implement in our lives to achieve better balance. Learn about the best foods and lifestyle practices to promote longevity and cultivate more vibrant health and wellness this summer!
5 Herbs to Promote Longevity
Herbs are a potent tool in longevity medicine. They’ve been used for thousands of years to elevate the culinary experience and provide valuable medicinal qualities to a diet. Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (two ancient holistic healing systems that are still widely practiced today) both have health-promoting herbs at the heart of their traditions. These systems have recognised the potential of certain botanicals to enhance longevity and balance the body and mind.
5 Ways Stress is Changing Your Brain
Chronic stress changes the brain, but the good news is that the damage is usually reversible. In this post, I share 5 major changes that occur in the brain with chronic stress and what you can do to restore healthy, balanced function.