Join Our Tribe in the Woman Unleashed Book Club and Community
What does it mean to be a WOMAN UNLEASHED in the world today?
Our hormones are affected by our environment and experiences and will impact the way we respond to our reality. The hormones are messengers, playing a big role in perception and the way we respond to the world around us. When we begin to understand our unique hormonal blueprint, we’re better able to navigate this journey of exploration and uncovering our true power.
This foray into reflection and inquiry begins a healing process that’s not always easy to move through. Healing can be heavy; as we begin to do the important inner work, we have to enter into a space of discomfort, confronting challenging memories and feelings that have rooted deep into our cells over time. But, through this journey of self discovery and reclaiming our power, we’re given the gift of choice:
expansion over contraction, love over fear, and growth over grief.
If we tap into trust when we know we are safe, that fear will begin to dissolve. We’re then able to look at our feelings and emotions as messages or lessons rather than barriers to accessing the truest, most expansive version of self. When we discover our own story without the lens of shame and guilt, we can then piece together the gifts that we’ve received along our own personal journey, even in those dark moments; we can experience growth in the corridors of our grief. That awareness helps us to step into a space of deeper inquiry about our needs and allows us to claim our birthright of radical joy and compassion.
Joy can be present even in grief and sadness.
Remember: the polarity of light and darkness is a natural part of being human. When we can accept this very normal dichotomy, we’re guided toward a deeper truth and real knowing, and we can begin to soften in to the acceptance of the totality of our experience without feeling weighed down by the heaviness of our darkness; this can also be anchoring and instill a sense of deeper connection to the self and others.
As we go through life, there is always some changing terrain we have to navigate which thrusts us into a place of feeling out of control; when it feels like life is happening to us and not for us, it can throw us off course and create a greater challenge to stay grounded in our personal journey. This book was written with the intention of helping you access the inner knowing of the wisdom that’s always been with you but is often lost in the noise of life.
The purpose of this book is to instill that sense of reconnection to the self. It’s devoted to encouraging women from all walks of life to commit to reclaiming their power, whether it was taken away or given away, or if it happened through a necessity for survival. This journey is about reclaiming all parts of ourselves, including those parts we’ve denied or discarded, inviting the outcasts back into our hearts.
Remember that all of the healing does not have to happen at once; it’s okay to experience grief; it’s okay to not feel okay; and it’s so important to take all the time you need to navigate your own healing journey. This club & community will offer you an opportunity to truly pause in those pause moments throughout the book, being courageous enough to sit in those spaces with yourself, no matter what you find there, for as long as you need. We’ll be right here with you.
How do you know if this group is right for you?
you’ve ordered WOMAN unleashed and would like to dive deeper into the themes of the book with the support of a like-mined community going through a similar journey
you’re a woman ready to start the year with true self reflection that leads to finally healing and letting go of the old stories
you’re ready to reclaim your power and declare your brilliance to the world
you’re tired of feeling stuck in different parts of your life
you’re ready to drop the shit, voice your boundaries, and step into your awesomeness!
WOMAN unleashed was birthed from a knowing that when we can see the gifts within, we can begin to see the gifts right in front of us. It is a process of self-discovery that gives you the tools to see the brilliance that has always been within you, and empowers you with the courage to shift your internal world so you can begin to influence the world around you.
Join me in this 6-week journey as we move through the different aspects of this book to help you rediscover YOUR truth through the noise of life.
We meet on Sundays from 8am - 10am, beginning January 9, 2022.
What we’ll cover:
Week 1: Becoming Aware
Introduction; Chapters 1 & 2
Defining our story- where we source from, how it was created and what we learned from it
Looking at the triangle of disconnect and where we have used the different roles/masks
What will freedom look like, and do my beliefs stop me from inviting it in?
Week 2: She Warrior Awakens
Chapters 3 & 4
Learning where it all began and the wisdom that sits within
Understanding the beginnings of your hormonal blueprint
Unveiling the hidden stories
Week 3: Releasing the Conditioning
Chapters 5, 6 & 7
Where is your story constricting you?
Has your life happened to you or through you?
Understanding the nuances of what being a woman is - how do we define femininity and sexuality?
Week 4: Reclaiming
Chapters 8 & 9
Recognizing the gifts of your story
Creating and redefining beliefs
What does it mean to surrender?
Week 5: Trust
Chapters 10 & 11
Building trust within self
The wisdom of generations
You are not alone
Week 6: Changing the Narrator - Declaring your Brilliance
Chapter 12, 13 & 14
Paving the new path
You are the wisdom
Mastering your process
These themes will be covered in 2-hour live webinar sessions on Sunday mornings. Before the program begins, you’ll receive an introductory video with more information. Throughout the journey, you’ll also receive a mid-week video, a workbook related to the weekly theme, and access to the Voxer app for better connection to your community.
Are you ready to really uncover the gifts you have as a woman?
Are you ready to release what has been keeping you stuck in your relations and your life?
Are you ready to unleash the wisdom within you that has been waiting for you to call it to the surface?
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