6 Reasons to Embrace Menopause

Can menopause be a positive experience?

The relationship you have with yourself is the most important and enduring one you’ll ever have. Aging asks us for gentleness, patience, self reflection and acceptance. This process, while natural and unavoidable, is one that’s often met with much resistance and grief - particularly for women. Aging and change go hand in hand, and menopause is both a pivotal and challenging time in women’s lives when we’re faced with an important transition into a new and different space of womanhood. 

For many women, there is grief around losing their periods and reproductive ability. This stage in life is an undeniable reminder that we’re getting older, and it often carries with it some emotional distress. Society puts a lot of pressure on women to stay youthful and vivacious and there is a pervasive message that aging makes us less desirable or valuable. This is a truly harmful and false narrative, but almost impossible for us to not be impacted by in some way as we grow older. Despite this conditioning, we need to look at the process of aging as a gift, an opportunity to embrace the true self and live an authentic, purpose-driven life.

What are the different stages and symptoms of menopause?

Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, with the average age being 51; however, it is possible (though uncommon) to start menopause in your 30s or as late as your 60s. This experience marks the end of your menstrual cycle, and the beginning of a new phase of life. It’s diagnosed once you’ve missed 12 consecutive periods, but the years leading up to menopause (known as perimenopause) signal this change is on the way and are a good time to start being mindful about how you move into this stage of your life.

Your reproductive hormones (estrogen and progesterone) begin to decline in your late 30s. As you move into your 40s, your periods typically begin to change, although this not always by lightening and becoming less frequent. In perimenopause, it’s possible for periods to become heavier and occur more frequently before they cease altogether.

Common symptoms of perimenopause:

  • Irregular periods

  • Night sweats

  • Hot flashes and/or chills

  • Mood swings

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Weight gain; greater difficulty losing weight

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Dry skin

  • Slowed metabolism

  • Loss of breast fullness

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Thinning hair

The physical changes and symptoms of these hormonal shifts can be quite challenging, but there’s also an emotional impact with perimenopause and menopause. For many of us, there is a sense of loss; we’re saying goodbye to our menstrual cycle and reproductive ability, which has been a familiar part of our womanhood for decades. This major change, when coupled with the experience of aging, can create a feeling of grief. It’s important that we properly acknowledge and accept these feelings rather than diminishing them or trying to move through them too quickly.

Tapping into the wisdom of aging

Menopause offers a fantastic container for self reflection. A lot of women feel a renewed zest for a life and see this time of physical change as an opportunity to create a new story for themselves. As we begin to accept the transitions occurring within the body, we may ask ourselves what other changes might help us live a life more aligned with our dreams and values. Many women recognize improvements in their quality of life when they reach menopause, feeling inspired to pursue hobbies, goals or everyday practices that previously eluded them. With the wisdom of around 50 years of life experience under your belt, this is your time to create the life you truly deserve.

Living your best life in menopause

How to move through menopause with grace

As the body changes, we have an opportunity to shift our perspective and develop a new outlook on life. From a purely practical standpoint, there are a number of menopausal changes we can celebrate:

No more heavy periods - for those women who bleed heavily, knowing they no longer have to experience this can come as a major relief.

Say goodbye to tampons and pads - menopause means you can save money on menstrual products and no longer ensure you have emergency pads or tampons everywhere you go.

No pregnancy risk - you can now enjoy sex with your partner without the looming concern of an unexpected pregnancy. Most women at this age are past a desire for raising children, so they’re able to enjoy their sex lives without having to worry about becoming pregnant.

Despite the challenges we may face as we go through perimenopause and menopause, the mindset we enter this stage of life with plays an important role in the way we perceive this experience. Many women find themselves with more time and space to truly design the life they deserve, perhaps with kids having moved out of the house or getting to a more comfortable, solidified stage in their career. These changes can encourage us to become more introspective and ask ourselves the important questions around what we really want and need at this stage in our lives. So how can we capitalize on this opportunity to grow, change, and redefine our needs and goals?

Prioritize self care
- many women spend a majority of their lives caring for others. Menopause is the perfect time to start caring for yourself in a meaningful way, and with consistency. Whether it’s a hot bath, curling up with a good book, getting a massage, practicing yoga every morning, or any other way you make yourself feel nurtured, invest in self care regularly, and prioritize these important activities on a regular basis. You deserve all the love you’ve always given to others.

Take new risks, big and small - maybe you’ve always wanted to travel to Greece, write a novel, dye your hair purple, or move to a new city; whatever’s on your list of unfulfilled desires, consider this a perfect opportunity to pursue the things that excite you. 

Redesign your daily habits - if you haven’t already incorporated a regular exercise routine into your life, start exploring different classes and programs to find the types of physical activity you enjoy most. This is also an excellent time to look more closely at your diet and eating habits; intermittent fasting is an effective way to reduce stubborn weight around the midsection and improve insulin resistance.

While the experience of menopause will look and feel a little bit different for each one of us, embracing these changes and moving forward with an empowered mindset will help us to find more freedom and confidence to continue aging gracefully, and perhaps with a new sense of purpose.


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