Fertility Support

Get the support you need through conception

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You’re not alone in this

  • Learn what your body needs for healthy conception

  • Get an understanding of how the reproductive system works

  • Empower yourself through the knowledge of what your body needs and may be lacking

  • Get science-based testing to create the most optimal environment for conception

  • Learn about herbs and nutrition that can support you on this journey to healthy reproduction

  • Feel supported and nurtured through one of the most important times of your life

Many couples today are faced with challenges in fertility, and I understand how important it is for each couple to feel supported and understood. I use science-based testing and individualized treatment plans to support both men and women through their fertility challenges.

There can be various reasons as to why there are obstacles for some couples to conceive. We aim to create the most optimal environment for both you and your child for conception to take place. With the right guidance, couples can count on us to help them get to their optimal level of health, both physically and emotionally, to improve their likelihood of conception.

Before the first visit, I’ll send you to get a series of blood work done to get an understanding of your hormone story and other biological markers. This gives us more information and will help to guide your health and fertility plan. In the initial consultation, we’ll thoroughly review your history and your goals and discuss the ways that Naturopathic Medicine can support you. Together we will decide on the most optimal treatment plan for your unique needs to bring your body back into hormonal balance.

Naturopathic Medicine works well with IVF treatments. We see the importance of working with the Medical System so couples feel supported from all of their health care providers. We are happy to work alongside fertility clinics for optimal fertilization and a healthy pregnancy.

I understand the importance of this path for you and your family, and my focus is on creating a supportive environment where you feel comfortable and cared for.